Everything I Ever Needed To Know I Learned From
- Armor is always cheaper than resurrection.
- Oratory only impresses some of the people.
- There is more than one kind of intelligence.
- Always keep a weapon hand free.
- Travel is its own reward.
- Relative superiority in foresight is functionally equivalent
to magic.
- Over time, criticals and fumbles will balance out.
- The right tool for the right job.
- An object's encumbrance is a factor of its utility.
- If you can't afford to use it, you don't need it.
- Good and evil are subjective.
- If you don't trust the GM, you're not going to have fun.
- Everything follows from your victory conditions, yet victory
conditions are arbitrary.
- You never run out of monsters.
- There's always someone with more hit points than you.
- Simulations are always imperfect.
- Unearned victories not only rankle, they also camouflage
deleterious plot developments.
- There are two "i"s in "milieu."
- Damage is useless without accuracy.
- Mastery in one skill will get you fame. Competence in many
skills will get you out alive.
- Most people agonize over big life-decisions and leave little
life-decisions to mood, historical precedent, or to arbitrary
whim. Statistics show that better results are achieved by the
inverse priority.
- Speed matters.
- Expensive transportation is a liability.
- The value of reward is not fixed.
- Justice is made, not given.
- The police get to do whatever they want.
- When you're saving the world, morals are expendable.
Copyright © 1995 by Eric Scharf.  All rights reserved.